Elemental Crystal Pack - Air

Elemental Crystal Pack - Air


Air is the power of the mind, the force of intellect, inspiration, imagination. It is ideas, knowledge, dreams and wishes. Air is the element of new life and new possibilities and is essential to spells and rituals of travel, instruction, finding lost items, some types of divination, and freedom. Air aids us in visualization, a vital technique in magic.

This pocket pack of crystals contain 5 stones that elevate the air element:

Tigers Eye, Mica, Citrine, While Fluorite, Opal

PLEASE NOTE: due to the nature of crystals, the pack you receive may vary slightly in color/size/shape from those pictured!

Tigers Eye: 

It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions. Traditionally it was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishing, and is known to give you courage, self confidence and strength of will. It enhances creativity and is one of the stones that aid kundalini awakening.


  • Mental clarity
  • Increase awareness of self and environment
  • Allows one to see inner truth
  • Promotes success in business
  • Assists in accessing past lives


As it is a quartz it has a strong amplification ability... and most people are aware of the energy emitted by this lovely yellow stone. One of the less well known Citrine properties are their strong ability to soothe fear and anxiety. By allowing you to let go of your fear it may aid you to be able to accept into your life the good that is coming your way. Aids in amplifying confidence, works as a prosperity stone, and brings abundance

Fire Opal:

  • Brings out spontaneous action
  • Initiates new ideas
  • Stimulates enthusiasm
  • Acts as a magnet to draw in money or customers to a business
  • Fire opal helps relieve energy deficiencies; stimulates sexual organs and the adrenal glands.


Fluorite cleanses and stabilizes the aura.  It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress.  An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making.  It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.

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