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"ᏜᏜ Ꭰeserτ Ꭰιvιηe ᏜᏜ What a 3 model, 9 look photoshoot prep looks like. We are exhausted....."

Let's talk about minerals. 

For as long as organized society has been around, we have been adorning ourselves with gems, jewels, and precious metals.

Whether it was to represent status, to with good luck, to align oneself with a higher power, or simply to decorate and adorn, cultures throughout time and around the world have used these gifts from the earth as part of their identity. 

Many of the agreed upon meanings behind stones come from these traditions, as it truly cannot be a coincidence that two ancient cultures from two parts of the world believed a certain stone carried a certain property. Intrinsic knowledge has lead us to where we are today in terms of our beliefs around stones and their magic. 

Many of us are naturally drawn to certain types of jewelry. Some people drip in Turquoise, others their birthstone. Perhaps the clarity of a stone like Quartz is your fashion. Why is it that we're drawn to the stones we tend to wear over and over again? What energies - both naturally held and man influenced - do these stones carry? 


"ΔΔ Ꭰeταιls ΔΔ #turquoise , #boulderopal , all day long....."

Ancients have been wearing Turquoise for as long as the stone has been recorded or spoken of. 

Native American tribes across the US - most notably in the Southwest - have been making sterling silver jewelry with it as a trade for generations. 

Ancient Tibetans and Native Americans alike aligned themselves with Turquoise as a stone of blessing and protection of the wearer. They believed that the stone would take a hit for the wearer, and was indicated as such whenever a crack or blemish would appear.

Beyond protection, Turquoise is highly regarded as a stone to help the wearer become their truest self. It encourages self reflection, honesty (most notably with ourselves), and self realization helping you to better understand yourself, your ideas and emotions. It is a wonderful aid in regards to any type of analytical thinking.


Amethyst meaning is spiritual growth and protection. These beautiful healing crystals are also known for bringing clarity of the mind to the owner.

By wearing or using Amethyst crystals, you can become more in tune with your own feelings and get to know your inner self on a much deeper level. It is a gemstone which can bring you calmness, inner peace and is thought to highten your natural intuition.

Amethysts are known for their ability to reduce addictive traits. The name amethyst is derived from the ancient Greek word “amethustos”, which translates to “not drunk”.  Goblets made of amethyst or in the colour purple were used to hinder inebriation. Today, amethysts are used in alternative healing practices for reducing addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping and a number of other afflictions

If you have trouble with anxiety or restlessness, Amethyst is a great aid in reducing nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia.


"ΔΔΔ Dιvιηe ΔΔΔ Saturday goals..... Finalizing photos from our Festival photoshoot, and the release of all the goodies featured. Not a bad way to spend..."

Talk about a power stone - Tigers eye has long since been regarded as THE stone for those wanting a shot of confidence, power, strength and protection. 

Ancients regarded Tigers eye as the all seeing eye, and would often be worn by warriors to give them courage, foresight, protection and honor. 


"ᏜᏜ Ꮎραl Ꮭusτ ᏜᏜ 😍😍😍😍😍 Via @opal_lust"

Opal is certainly an eye catching stone. It's rainbow of colors capture the heart of many people around the world. In ancient Rome, this gem symbolized love and hope. The Romans gave it a name—opalus—that was synonymous with “precious stone.”

Many cultures have credited opal with supernatural origins and powers. Arabic legends say it falls from the heavens in flashes of lightning. The ancient Greeks believed opals gave their owners the gift of prophecy and guarded them from disease. Europeans have long considered the gem a symbol of hope, purity, and truth.

Opal is considered an October birthstone. Some people think it’s unlucky for anyone born in another month to wear an opal. But that particular superstition comes from a novel written in the 1800s (Anne of Geierstein by Sir Walter Scott), and not from any ancient belief or experience. In fact, throughout most of history, opal has been regarded as the luckiest and most magical of all gems because it can show all colors. Once, it was thought to have the power to preserve the life and color of blond hair


Early cultures treasured rubies for their similarity to the redness of the blood that flowed through their veins, and believed that rubies held the power of life.
Ruby is one of the most historically significant colored stones. Rubies are mentioned four times in the Bible, in association with attributes like beauty and wisdom. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, ruby is called ratnaraj, or “king of precious stones.” Hindus put it on a pedestal, believing that only the highest cast Brahman should wear it. People in India believed that rubies enabled their owners to live in peace with their enemies. In Burma (a ruby source since at least 600 AD—now called Myanmar), warriors possessed rubies to make them invincible in battle. However, it wasn’t enough to just wear the rubies. They had to insert them into their flesh and make them part of their bodies.

The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means “red.” The glowing red of ruby suggested an inextinguishable flame burning in the stone, even shining through clothing and able to boil water.

The tradition of likening it to power persisted through Medieval Europe.

Modern day regards it as a stone of passion and love, making it a great stone to gift a lover.


Historians believe the link between humans and lapis lazuli stretches back more than 6,500 years. The gem was treasured by the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome. They valued it for its vivid, exquisite color, and prized it as much as they prized other blue gems like sapphire and turquoise.

Badakshan, a province in present-day Afghanistan, is a forbidding wasteland of mountains, bare of any vegetation. The sheer mountain faces rise as high as 17,000 feet, and are scored with treacherous ravines. Humans make their way there to seek one thing only: the azure treasure that is fine lapis lazuli.

Ancient Egyptians regarded Lapis as a stone of the Gods, and was only worn by Pharroh, as he was the living incarnate of the Gods.

Lapis Lazuli is a useful stone to wear as it is said to relieve anger and negative thoughts, as well as easing frustrations causing the anger.

They resonate with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty, and this crystal also helps to balance the male and female aspects of your personality.

The energy of these blue crystals may intensify the growth of psychic abilities, intuition, channelling and aid you to contact your guardian angels. 



The world’s love of diamonds had its start in India, where diamonds were gathered from the country’s rivers and streams. Some historians estimate that India was trading in diamonds as early as the fourth century BC. The country’s resources yielded limited quantities for an equally limited market: India’s very wealthy classes.

Diamond does not have a specific healing nature. It does supplement the energy of other gemstones. The Diamond will increase the power of the Emerald and the Amethyst to a higher level. Healers often have rings or necklaces set with Diamonds surrounding the Amethyst.

Care must be used when wearing a Diamond necklace as it can block the energy flow if the wearer has negative thoughts or feelings.

Most notable about the wearing of diamonds and their energy is their source. While the diamond industry has changed through the centuries, it has become a source of bloody conflict all over the continent of Africa. While spotlights on the industry and the term "blood diamonds" have publicized the nature of their sources, it has done very little to detour the violent slave-like industry in Africa. 

Stones hold onto energy, and it can be argued that aside from moral reasons behind being very careful as to the source of a diamond, energetically what it has held onto during it's trip to your finger, neck or wrist should play a part in deciding on wearing the stone or not. 

Best thing to do if you just can't get enough diamond? Buy old. The more vintage the better. Antique jewelry and their diamonds have much less of a bloody history, as diamond deposits in South Africa did not spring up until 1866 , and in the Congo (most noted for their unethical mining practices) until the 1950's-70's. The real boom of African mined diamonds was around the 1920's, so usually anything older than that can be deemed more likely to be ethically mined.

Whether it shines bright or glows in vibrant colors, the stones we wear do much more than make us look fabulous. It's always worth looking into the energies and history behind the stones we love, as it may provide fantastic insight as to why we are unconsciously drawn to them in the first place. 

Enjoy the bling!


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