Gemini Crystal Pack

Gemini Crystal Pack


Gemini, the Twins, are born between May 21 - June 21. This pack is made to highlight the strengths of Gemini, and contains:

Amber, Tigers Eye, citrine, moss agate, and celestite

Due to the nature of crystals, your pack may vary slightly in size, shape and color from those pictured


As it is a quartz it has a strong amplification ability... and most people are aware of the energy emitted by this lovely yellow stone. One of the less well known Citrine properties are their strong ability to soothe fear and anxiety. By allowing you to let go of your fear it may aid you to be able to accept into your life the good that is coming your way. Aids in amplifying confidence, works as a prosperity stone, and brings abundance

Tigers Eye: 

It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions. Traditionally it was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishing, and is known to give you courage, self confidence and strength of will. It enhances creativity and is one of the stones that aid kundalini awakening.


Amber is technically not a gemstone or mineral, but a fossilized sap from prehistoric trees that has aged over the course of millions of years.

  • Brings a care free, sunny disposition
  • Promotes good luck and success
  • Dissolves oppositions


Celestite is a soft blue crystal, with a lovely gentle uplifting vibration. While it seems on the surface to be just a sweet and gentle stone... it has a strong stimulating effect on spiritual and psychic gifts. It has strong metaphysical properties that will help you to develop the gift of prophecy... and other psychic abilities. A cluster of this lovely blue stone in your room is excellent for your emotional state as it is calming and uplifting. It aids mental clarity as it clears and sharpens mental faculties. This mineral is also known as Celestine. How can you use this very beneficial stone to use to elevate your spiritual growth, and will it aid you to contact your guardian angels?

Moss Agate:

It has balanced enduring energy and grounding ability... with sound metaphysical properties that are known to aid abundance and prosperity and stimulate creativity. This green stone may assist you to correct imbalances between the two sides of the brain... and it is a quite spiritual stone. The vibration of this stone brings you strength and courage, and will help to lessen fear and stress and may aid you to attract nature spirits.

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